True to form, day two was much improved, both in terms of visibility and my ability to keep up on runs of their choice.
I’m don’t think I’d get an argument when I say that after six plus decades of piste and off piste adventures on two continents, patrolling and teaching, I’m a better skier than my son Josh and his buddies. But they are faster, and with greater endurance than I. And they are more adventurous in their search for powder and more tolerant of less than optimal ski and weather conditions. No matter. When the skiing is good, even if the sun fails to shine and the powder becomes tracked and a bit crusty, we can all have fun together. And that we did. Ski logistics were much easier because we chose to stay at Hilton’s Hampton Inn on the outskirts of town, and the big advantage of being the last stop on the ski bus for the twenty- minute ride to the mountain. Unlike other destinations, there is really no need for a car at Jackson. There’s no time savings in driving to the mountain base. Indeed the bus system is far superior and cheaper, and indeed quicker, with real time updates and frequent and timely schedules. |
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